Life Coach, and Public Speaker

1 on 1 Coaching
Your career ambitions - Take back your personal power and feel inspired for success!
If achieving a high level of success in your career is important to you as well feeling a true sense of fulfilment in your professional life, then this coaching is for you! Identify and break through barriers holding you back and step into true alignment with who you are and what you want to achieve. When your values and goals are in alignment, success is yours for the taking.

1 on 1 Teen Coaching
Get a healthy advantage to adult life by fast tracking with fundamental tools and powerful techniques for positive results!
Be empowered to realise everything AWESOME THAT YOU ARE!
Recognise your full potential.
Transform the way you think and feel.
Love who you are!

Vision Board Workshop
A fun and empowering workshop to discover the power of your mind and how to apply it!
Get a healthy head start to a successful future! Discover the immense power of your mind and how to attract the right people, opportunities, and experiences for the best results in life! You will leave equipped with tools for life and beautiful NLP Principles to live by for a harmonious and happy life! Get a group of friends together or join one of our groups and make new friends on this fun-filled workshop!

Lady BVB Workshop
Specifically designed for girls.
As young ladies, becoming a woman comes with its own set of personal challenges. This course provides a solid foundation for sky-scraping success. Eliminating negative self- image, instilling confidence, improving self-awareness, and building self-esteem and worth create positive and lasting change. Empowering young women to be the very best version of themselves, for life!

Cementing the foundation for adulthood.
Leap confidently and comfortably into high-school and beyond! This fun course addresses the challenges, needs and skills required to equip capable young pupils with healthy beliefs and positive behaviours to empower them to transition through this process into well-adjusted pupils with skills for life.
Building on self-worth, self-respect, EQ, acceptance, and self-esteem!